THE TARGET AUDIENCE is people over the age of 18. I don't work with children and teenagers. I do not work with people who have been diagnosed with psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia, oligophrenia, dementia, psychopathy and a number of certain endogenous and exogenous organic disorders). Also, I do not work with "freeloaders" who do not want to understand the situation but shift everything to somebody else.
THE DURATION OF THE CONSULTATION depends on the request. The optimal duration (based on the majority of meetings held) is 1.5 hours. It takes less time to discuss a small issue. More – providing of profound practice (regression, psychodiagnostics, career guidance, etc.). The first meeting usually also takes 1.5 hours. The further is subject for negotiations.
THE FORMAT OF THE CONSULTATION is a face–to-face meeting (office in Moscow), or an online call (WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype).
PRICE – right now, the consultation price depends on duration:
For people living in Russia:
30 minutes – 2 thousand rubles,
1 hour – 4 thousand rubles,
1.5 hours – 6 thousand rubles.
For people living outside of Russia:
30 minutes – $50*,
1 hour – $100*,
1.5 hours – $150*.
THE TOPICS OF THE CONSULTATION are spiritual and psychological topics within the framework of the specified requests.
THE DURATION OF THE CONSULTATION depends on the request. The optimal duration (based on the majority of meetings held) is 1.5 hours. It takes less time to discuss a small issue. More – providing of profound practice (regression, psychodiagnostics, career guidance, etc.). The first meeting usually also takes 1.5 hours. The further is subject for negotiations.
THE FORMAT OF THE CONSULTATION is a face–to-face meeting (office in Moscow), or an online call (WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype).
PRICE – right now, the consultation price depends on duration:
For people living in Russia:
30 minutes – 2 thousand rubles,
1 hour – 4 thousand rubles,
1.5 hours – 6 thousand rubles.
For people living outside of Russia:
30 minutes – $50*,
1 hour – $100*,
1.5 hours – $150*.
THE TOPICS OF THE CONSULTATION are spiritual and psychological topics within the framework of the specified requests.
THE TARGET AUDIENCE is individuals, entrepreneurs, research institutes, psychological centers, centers for sociological research, the personnel department in the company, etc.
THE FORMAT OF THE WORK is scientific research (report, article, presentation, literary publication), work with the company's staff (psychodiagnostics, conducting a seminar, training), experiments, surveys, public speaking, individual training.
The PRICE will be fixed in the agreement.
THE DURATION OF THE WORK determines by your on request.
THE SUBJECTS OF THE APPEAL are spiritual and psychological topics within the framework of the specified requests.
THE FORMAT OF THE WORK is scientific research (report, article, presentation, literary publication), work with the company's staff (psychodiagnostics, conducting a seminar, training), experiments, surveys, public speaking, individual training.
The PRICE will be fixed in the agreement.
THE DURATION OF THE WORK determines by your on request.
THE SUBJECTS OF THE APPEAL are spiritual and psychological topics within the framework of the specified requests.
Research examples
Below are fragments of a small part of the works that various companies ordered from me in different periods.
THE TARGET AUDIENCE is people over the age of 18 who want to explore themselves more deeply through an integrated approach (psychology + spiritual practices + devices) to identify their resources, hidden shadow parts, and solve specific tasks and problems.
THE METHODS USED are psychological personality diagnostics + career guidance (tests, surveys, drawings); biofield research (mBGA device + energy); study of family's programs (genogram + metaphorical maps + energy); research of purpose (exercises + energy); study of significant fragments of previous lives (energy). And a number of other useful techniques, choose individually for everyone.
DURATION – up to 5 meetings (2-3 hours each). After the final collection of information, the subsequent preparation of the report on my part and its pass to the customer may take up to 2 weeks.
The RESEARCH FORMAT is a report in Word/PDF format, which is sent to the customer's email address. It presents the results of the study and possible recommendations. At the request of the person, an oral discussion of the results is also possible instead of a report.
The PRICE is a comprehensive study of "WHO am I ?" by all methods – 30 thousand rubles for people living in Russia. And $650* for people living outside of Russia. The final price (does not depend on the time spent). This is a detailed written report consisting of various techniques (presented above) for a more comprehensive study of a person. It is recommended for "pumped up" people who have experience in self-knowledge and self-development, because information is multilevel and requires readiness for perception.
RESTRICTIONS – I do not work with children and adolescents (because it is too early for them to embrace information on energy, karma and family programs), as well as people with a psychiatric diagnosis (schizophrenia, oligophrenia, dementia, psychopathy and a number of some endogenous and exogenous organic disorders).
THE METHODS USED are psychological personality diagnostics + career guidance (tests, surveys, drawings); biofield research (mBGA device + energy); study of family's programs (genogram + metaphorical maps + energy); research of purpose (exercises + energy); study of significant fragments of previous lives (energy). And a number of other useful techniques, choose individually for everyone.
DURATION – up to 5 meetings (2-3 hours each). After the final collection of information, the subsequent preparation of the report on my part and its pass to the customer may take up to 2 weeks.
The RESEARCH FORMAT is a report in Word/PDF format, which is sent to the customer's email address. It presents the results of the study and possible recommendations. At the request of the person, an oral discussion of the results is also possible instead of a report.
The PRICE is a comprehensive study of "WHO am I ?" by all methods – 30 thousand rubles for people living in Russia. And $650* for people living outside of Russia. The final price (does not depend on the time spent). This is a detailed written report consisting of various techniques (presented above) for a more comprehensive study of a person. It is recommended for "pumped up" people who have experience in self-knowledge and self-development, because information is multilevel and requires readiness for perception.
RESTRICTIONS – I do not work with children and adolescents (because it is too early for them to embrace information on energy, karma and family programs), as well as people with a psychiatric diagnosis (schizophrenia, oligophrenia, dementia, psychopathy and a number of some endogenous and exogenous organic disorders).
Psychological and energy
diagnosis of "Who am I?"
diagnosis of "Who am I?"
One example of a study that I also propose as part of an integrated approach is psychological and energy diagnostics.
THE TARGET AUDIENCE is people over the age of 18 who want to study their energy state and take a picture of their aura.
THE EQUIPMENT USED is the mBGA Aura camera, which is a multimedia software package with a sensor (a temperature sensor and a sensor that measures the electrical conductivity of the skin). The leading principle of operation is BIOFEEDBACK using a set of auric field templates (IMAGING SYSTEM). Also, at the request of the client, energy methods of aura analysis can be used, which additionally reveal the individual structural features of the subtle human plane.
THE RESEARCH FORMAT – the study is possible only at a face-to-face meeting. After the measurement a report in Word/PDF format is sent to the customer's email address. It presents the results of the study – a photo of the aura and a short / full report (to choose from). You can also get advice on taking an aura shot.
DURATION – the process of shooting an aura using mBGA equipment takes 5 minutes. An additional analysis of the aura using energy methods also takes 5 minutes. Consultation on the energy state of a person and possible recommendations – 30 minutes.
THE PRICE depends on the type of research.
Photographing an aura using mBGA equipment and sending a photo, report (short or complete, to choose from) by e-mail costs 1 thousand rubles or $10*.
Photographing the aura using mBGA equipment and sending a photo, report (short or complete to choose from) by e-mail + consultation costs 1.5 thousand rubles or $15*.
Photographing the aura using mBGA equipment, sending a photo, a report (short or complete to choose from) by e-mail + consultation + additional biofield analysis using energy methods costs 2.5 thousand rubles or $25*.
LIMITATIONS – the equipment is configured to read the biofield on the left hand. Therefore, the integrity of the left hand is necessary. I also do not take children for this study (they have small hands, the equipment may not accurately read the information).
THE EQUIPMENT USED is the mBGA Aura camera, which is a multimedia software package with a sensor (a temperature sensor and a sensor that measures the electrical conductivity of the skin). The leading principle of operation is BIOFEEDBACK using a set of auric field templates (IMAGING SYSTEM). Also, at the request of the client, energy methods of aura analysis can be used, which additionally reveal the individual structural features of the subtle human plane.
THE RESEARCH FORMAT – the study is possible only at a face-to-face meeting. After the measurement a report in Word/PDF format is sent to the customer's email address. It presents the results of the study – a photo of the aura and a short / full report (to choose from). You can also get advice on taking an aura shot.
DURATION – the process of shooting an aura using mBGA equipment takes 5 minutes. An additional analysis of the aura using energy methods also takes 5 minutes. Consultation on the energy state of a person and possible recommendations – 30 minutes.
THE PRICE depends on the type of research.
Photographing an aura using mBGA equipment and sending a photo, report (short or complete, to choose from) by e-mail costs 1 thousand rubles or $10*.
Photographing the aura using mBGA equipment and sending a photo, report (short or complete to choose from) by e-mail + consultation costs 1.5 thousand rubles or $15*.
Photographing the aura using mBGA equipment, sending a photo, a report (short or complete to choose from) by e-mail + consultation + additional biofield analysis using energy methods costs 2.5 thousand rubles or $25*.
LIMITATIONS – the equipment is configured to read the biofield on the left hand. Therefore, the integrity of the left hand is necessary. I also do not take children for this study (they have small hands, the equipment may not accurately read the information).
Exploring the human aura
An example of an aura photo
TARGET AUDIENCE – people seeking their path and practicing the psychological-esoteric approach. Age 18+. I do not teach everyone, only if the student's request is in agreement with the decision of the Higher Teachers and my capabilities. Training is individual.
REQUIREMENTS – the preferred age of the student is from 30 years old, but I also consider younger ones. I do not teach people with a psychiatric diagnosis (schizophrenia, mental retardation, dementia, psychopathy and a number of endogenous and exogenous organic disorders), as well as "freeloaders" who shift responsibility to someone else. Training "out of curiosity" is excluded: knowledge is a path, not fun. It is necessary to have esoteric experience, acceptable in level between a young practitioner and an experienced Master. Before training, a preliminary consultation takes place. The training will be interesting and useful for psychologists, esotericists, consultants and other specialists in helping professions.
TRAINING FORMAT – training in spiritual practices, transfer of ancient knowledge and accumulated experience in the form of an individual lecture, joint spiritual work in person at a meeting or online.I also initiate in Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho at levels 1-2-3 with the issuance of the corresponding certificates. Initiation is only in person.
PRICE – from 5 thousand rubles (for people living in Russia) or $100* (for people living outside of Russia) per meeting.The price is discussed individually and depends on what kind of knowledge a person needs and for what purpose.
Gratitude for initiation and training in Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho is equivalent to the following scheme:
1 level = from 5 thousand rubles or $100*
2 level = (gratitude for 1 level) x 2 , that is from 10 thousand rubles or $200*
3 level = (gratitude for 1 level) x 3 , that is from 15 thousand rubles or $300*
DURATION OF TRAINING – depends on the request. Discussed individually. May take one meeting, or several.
STUDY TOPIC – spiritual and psychological orientation within the framework of the specified requests.
REQUIREMENTS – the preferred age of the student is from 30 years old, but I also consider younger ones. I do not teach people with a psychiatric diagnosis (schizophrenia, mental retardation, dementia, psychopathy and a number of endogenous and exogenous organic disorders), as well as "freeloaders" who shift responsibility to someone else. Training "out of curiosity" is excluded: knowledge is a path, not fun. It is necessary to have esoteric experience, acceptable in level between a young practitioner and an experienced Master. Before training, a preliminary consultation takes place. The training will be interesting and useful for psychologists, esotericists, consultants and other specialists in helping professions.
TRAINING FORMAT – training in spiritual practices, transfer of ancient knowledge and accumulated experience in the form of an individual lecture, joint spiritual work in person at a meeting or online.I also initiate in Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho at levels 1-2-3 with the issuance of the corresponding certificates. Initiation is only in person.
PRICE – from 5 thousand rubles (for people living in Russia) or $100* (for people living outside of Russia) per meeting.The price is discussed individually and depends on what kind of knowledge a person needs and for what purpose.
Gratitude for initiation and training in Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho is equivalent to the following scheme:
1 level = from 5 thousand rubles or $100*
2 level = (gratitude for 1 level) x 2 , that is from 10 thousand rubles or $200*
3 level = (gratitude for 1 level) x 3 , that is from 15 thousand rubles or $300*
DURATION OF TRAINING – depends on the request. Discussed individually. May take one meeting, or several.
STUDY TOPIC – spiritual and psychological orientation within the framework of the specified requests.
FOR PEOPLE LIVING OUTSIDE RUSSIA – you can get in touch with me in English or Russian. I can give you a short written answer. If you need a conversation, we may organize an online call (WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype) using the translator service. Due to the external global situation, money transfer from other countries is possible only through:
- Russian payment system "MIR";
- Russian Fast Payment System (SBP);
- payment systems Zolotaya Korona, Unistream, Kwikpay.
Payment via international payment systems Visa and MasterCard is possible through the website on the page on the PAYMENT page.
* Prices in dollars are approximate, depending on the current exchange rate.
The difference between the prices of some services offered when converting from dollars to rubles for citizens living in other countries, compared with the prices of services for Russian citizens, is formed due to currency fluctuations, additional for language translation and fees for international money transfers used to pay off sanctions restrictions.
- Russian payment system "MIR";
- Russian Fast Payment System (SBP);
- payment systems Zolotaya Korona, Unistream, Kwikpay.
Payment via international payment systems Visa and MasterCard is possible through the website on the page on the PAYMENT page.
* Prices in dollars are approximate, depending on the current exchange rate.
The difference between the prices of some services offered when converting from dollars to rubles for citizens living in other countries, compared with the prices of services for Russian citizens, is formed due to currency fluctuations, additional for language translation and fees for international money transfers used to pay off sanctions restrictions.
Before providing services on my part, I ask you to familiarize yourself with the User Agreement, the Personal Data Processing Policy, Payment and Refund in order to understand the way your contact information will be processed; what are the terms of service, the rights and obligations of the parties; as well as how payment and refund will take place. In case lack of objections from your part regarding the information provided, I may provide you with information and consulting services in the field of psychology and human development.