The total cost of services rendered to the Customer under this Agreement is the total amount of information and consulting services paid by the Customer.
The cost of the information and consulting service is determined by the Executor, which is posted on the Executor's Website in the form of a public offer or is reported by the Executor personally to the Customer.
The amount of payment for the services is set for the entire period of services provision and cannot be changed.
The cost of the services provided for in this Agreement is paid by the Customer in non-cash form, by transfer to the Executor's current account or by payment on the website.
If the Customer refuses the service before the Executor begins to provide it, the Executor returns the advance payment in full.
The cost of the information and consulting service is determined by the Executor, which is posted on the Executor's Website in the form of a public offer or is reported by the Executor personally to the Customer.
The amount of payment for the services is set for the entire period of services provision and cannot be changed.
The cost of the services provided for in this Agreement is paid by the Customer in non-cash form, by transfer to the Executor's current account or by payment on the website.
If the Customer refuses the service before the Executor begins to provide it, the Executor returns the advance payment in full.
The cost of services, the procedure for payment and refund of funds