Below is a translation of the User Agreement located at / in English. In case of spelling, punctuation or logical errors, please refer to the Russian version of the User Agreement as the original and prevailing one.
This Agreement is concluded between the self– employed Mosina Evgeniya Leonidovna (hereinafter referred to as the Contractor) and any person who, after accepting the terms of this agreement, becomes a user of the website located on the Internet at: (hereinafter referred to as the Site), hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", together referred to as the "Parties" in the text of the Agreement, and separately – "The side".
In accordance with Article 435 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this User Agreement is recognized as an offer.
1. Terms and general provisions
1.1. Services – a set of information and consulting services provided on the Contractor's website / provided by the Contractor in the manner and on the terms specified in this Agreement.
1.2. Information and consulting services - a set of psychological services (consultations, research, public speaking, reports, articles, trainings, educational programs, training, seminars, webinars, etc.) aimed at transmitting information to the Customer on a given topic in order to provide him with the opportunity to form a certain idea about the subject under consideration, as well as the development of certain skills in the field of activity under study.
1.3. Public offer – the Contractor's offer (set out on the Contractor's Website), addressed to an unlimited number of persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to conclude this Agreement on certain conditions.
1.4. The Contractor's website is a web page on the Internet at, which is the official source of informing Customers about the Contractor and the services that are provided to them.
1.5. Acceptance – full, unconditional and unconditional acceptance by the Customer of the terms of the Public Offer of this Agreement.
1.6. The Customer is an individual who has reached the age of 18/ a legal entity who has accepted the Contractor's Public Offer set out in this Agreement.
1.7. The Parties are the Contractor and the Customer.
1.8. Device – means an electronic computer (computer) and/or other device operating on the principle of a computer capable of processing and reproducing sound and images, both stationary and portable (including, but not limited to: mobile phones, smartphones, PCs, etc.), which has the ability to access to the global Internet.
2. Subject of the agreement
2.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with information and consulting services in the field of psychological and spiritual development of a person on a paid basis, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, and the Customer undertakes to accept and make payment for such Services.
2.2. The Services are provided to the Customer in person at the address that the Contractor will inform, or online using remote technologies (e-mail, messengers, Skype and other Internet platforms, depending on the type of service and device chosen by the Customer).
2.3. No claims on the effectiveness of the Customer's application of knowledge and skills acquired as a result of the provision of information and consulting services can be presented to the Contractor. The responsibility for the use of this knowledge and skills, as well as for any results, direct or side effects resulting from the use of this knowledge and skills, lies entirely with the Customer.
2.4. The list of services, their subject matter, content, cost and terms of provision are posted on the Contractor's website
2.5. The result of the service is a consultation, session, research, seminar, etc. in accordance with the selected service.
2.6. The public offer Agreement is an official document and is published on the Internet resource at: /.
2.7. The Contractor has the right at any time to change the terms of this public offer unilaterally without prior agreement with the Customer, while ensuring the publication of the amended terms on the Internet resource at: least thirty (30) calendar days before their entry into force.
3. Terms of service
3.1. Information and consulting services are provided in the form of consultation, research, public speaking, report, article, training, educational program, training, seminar, webinar, etc., developed by the Contractor on the subject posted in the relevant section of the Contractor's Website.
3.2. The Contractor provides Services under this agreement in accordance with the package of services selected by the Customer.
3.3. The date, term and form of Service provision are determined by agreement between the Customer and the Contractor.
3.4. The acceptance of this Agreement is the payment by the Customer of the cost of the relevant Service and means the Customer's full and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement and is equivalent to the Customer's handwritten signature under the Agreement.
3.5. From the moment funds are credited to the Contractor's account, this offer is considered accepted, and the agreement is concluded.
3.6. Acceptance procedure:
3.6.1. The Customer selects the Service on the Contractor's website and gets acquainted with the terms of its provision and payment terms.
3.6.2. After selecting the required Service, the Customer forms an application for the provision of the Service on the website, by e-mail, messenger or other forms of communication specified on the Contractor's website.
3.6.3. After agreeing on the possibility of providing the Service on the part of the Contractor, the Customer makes a payment (namely an advance payment).
3.6.4. After 100% prepayment of the cost of the Services provided (acceptance of the Offer), the Contractor provides the Customer with Services in the following forms:
• in person at the address specified by the Contractor in Moscow;
• online (Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp and other form agreed upon in advance between the Parties).
3.6.5. From the moment of acceptance of this Offer, the Customer's unilateral withdrawal from the Contract is unacceptable.
3.6.6. The Service is considered rendered from the moment the Contractor provides all information within the terms and on the subject indicated on the Contractor's website, within the time agreed with the Customer.
3.7. Cost and payment:
3.7.1. The cost of information and consulting services is agreed upon by the Parties in each individual case when the Contractor receives the Customer's request.
3.7.2. Payment for all services under this Agreement is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by this Agreement.
3.7.3. Payment for services is made by making a 100% prepayment by the Customer to the Contractor.
3.7.4. Payment for services under this Agreement is carried out: by non-cash transfer of funds to the Contractor's current account, as well as by other methods established by the Contractor. In the case of non-cash payment, the date of payment is the receipt of funds to the Contractor's current account.
3.7.5. The Customer is solely responsible for the correctness of the payments made by him.
3.7.6. The Customer pays the cost of information and consulting services in the amount agreed by the Parties within 24 hours, after agreeing on the time and place of their holding, in accordance with paragraph 3.7.3. of this Agreement.
3.8. Refusal of the service
3.8.1. If it is impossible to provide the Service at the appointed time, the Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer by 20:00 on the eve of the day preceding the day of reception and postpone the provision of Services to another time. The warning is carried out by means of a phone call or SMS on the phone, which is reported by the Customer or in another way chosen by the Contractor.
3.8.2. If at the set time the Contractor does not appear at the address of the service / does not connect to the online broadcast and does not notify the Customer about it before 20:00 on the eve of the day preceding the day of reception, then, at the Customer's choice, the Contractor shall refund the cost of the Service not rendered on time, or a subsequent meeting or online broadcast of the previously selected The Customer of the service is carried out by the Contractor at his own expense.
3.8.3. If at the set time the Customer does not appear at the address of the service / does not connect to the online broadcast and does not notify the Contractor about it before 20:00 on the eve of the day preceding the day of reception, the Service is considered rendered and is not postponed to another time.
3.8.4. If the Customer notified the Contractor before 20:00 on the eve of the day preceding the day of reception that it was impossible to appear at the address of the service or connect to the online broadcast, the Customer has the right to demand a refund of the money paid for the Service not rendered.
3.8.5. When making a payment for the Service using a bank card, a refund is made to the bank card from which the payment was made. If the refund is made due to the fault of the Customer, the cost of payment for the Service is refunded minus the cost of paying a commission fee to the bank / money transfer system for such a refund (transfer). If the refund is made due to the fault of the Contractor, then funds in the amount of the unfulfilled obligation are subject to refund. The refund of funds to the Customer is made after the cancellation or refusal of the Service within 10 (ten) business days from the date of such cancellation or refusal, while the specified period may increase due to a delay in crediting funds to the bank card by the bank.
3.9. A prerequisite for the provision of Services by the Contractor is the provision by the Customer to the Contractor of the following reliable personal data:
• Surname, first name and patronymic;
• Email address and/or contact phone number.
The Contractor has the right to request the following additional personal data: date of birth, place of residence (city, country) of the Customer.
3.10. The parties agreed not to sign the act of acceptance and transfer of services rendered. In case of non-receipt from the Customer of a reasoned claim on the quality and volume of services provided immediately after the end of the provision of the service, the service is considered to have been rendered in full and of proper quality. The absence of a reasoned claim is equated by the parties to the consent and signing of the act of acceptance and transfer of services rendered.
4. Obligations of the Parties
4.1. The Customer undertakes to:
4.1.1. Familiarize yourself with the terms of the offer and the Personal Data Processing Policy before accepting the Offer.
4.1.2. To pay for Services in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Offer.
4.1.3. Comply with the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright and the terms of clause 9.2. of this offer.
4.1.4. Take care of the Contractor's property and, in case of damage to the Contractor's property, compensate it in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.1.5. Independently ensure the technical possibility of using the Contractor's Services on their part, namely:
• proper Internet access;
• availability of software compatible with the transmission of information from the Contractor and other necessary means.
4.1.6. Strictly and unconditionally observe the following Rules of Conduct when receiving Services (in person, online):
• observe discipline and generally accepted norms of behavior, in particular, show respect for the Contractor, his staff and other Customers, do not infringe on their honor and dignity;
• do not allow aggressive behavior during the provision of services, do not interfere with the Contractor, his staff or other Customers when providing / receiving Services, do not allow statements (orally, in writing) that are not related to the topic of consultation, research, seminar, master class, etc.;
• do not use the information received from the Contractor in ways that may lead or will lead to harm to the interests of the Contractor;
• not to use the Contractor's materials for the purpose of making a profit by replicating and reproducing them repeatedly (publications in the press and other publications, public speeches, etc.) and in other ways, except for those studies, reports, articles, etc., which were made by the Contractor for the Customer as a Service rendered for financial remuneration in accordance with the Offer and an agreement between the Customer and the Contractor;
• do not distribute in any way, including to third parties, do not copy, save, post, publish in publicly accessible, closed, open sources for any circle of persons provided by the Contractor: information, materials, manuals, recordings, videos, etc. consultations, seminars, courses, master classes and other services provided by the Contractor;
• not to appear for consultation with signs /in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or other intoxication and not to use alcoholic and narcotic substances on the territory of the Contractor and/or during the period of provision of Services;
• do not use profanity, do not use expressions in communication that may offend the Performer, his staff or other Customers;
• do not distribute advertising or offer the services of third-party resources, your own services or those of third parties.
4.1.7. Provide the Contractor with your reliable personal data: first name, last name, date of birth, phone number, e-mail address. By accepting (accepting) this Offer, the Customer confirms his consent and authorizes the Contractor to process his personal data specified in this paragraph, both using automated database management systems and without them. The processing of personal data means: the collection of the above data, their systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, blocking, destruction, transfer to third parties for the purpose of marketing activities and research, including for sending out information news of the Contractor via e-mail and SMS messages. The Contractor undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the Customer's personal data. Simultaneously with the above consent to the processing of personal data, the Customer also gives his full consent to receive messages from the Contractor via e-mail and SMS messages, including messages of advertising content.
4.1.8. All the terms and conditions listed in clause 4.1 of the Offer are essential terms of the Agreement.
4.2. The Contractor undertakes to:
4.2.1. Organize and ensure the proper provision of the Services indicated on the Website.
4.2.2. To provide services on time agreed with the Customer.
4.2.3. To show respect to the Customer, not to violate the Customer's rights to freedom of conscience, information, and free expression of their own opinions and beliefs.
4.2.4. Process and store the Customer's personal data provided to the Contractor with the Customer's consent, ensure their confidentiality and not provide access to this information to third parties, except in cases provided for by this Offer and the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Contractor undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the personal data provided by the Customer, their protection from copying and distribution. At any time, the Customer has the right to request a list of his personal data and/or request to change, block or destroy his personal data by sending a written notification to the address of the Contractor's location. The Contractor undertakes to prevent attempts of unauthorized access to the Customer's personal data provided to the Contractor; to detect and prevent such attempts in a timely manner.
4.2.5. Not to disclose information about the Customer or the results of the consultation and not to provide third parties with access to this information.
5. Rights of the Parties
5.1. The Customer has the right to:
5.1.1. To demand proper and timely provision of Services by the Contractor.
5.1.2. To contact the Contractor on all issues related to the provision of Services, as well as to ask questions related to the provision of Services.
5.1.3. To unsubscribe from the mailing list by clicking on the "Unsubscribe from the mailing list" link located in each e-mail sent to the Customer, or if the Customer wants to unsubscribe from any type of mailing, he must send a request to the e-mail specified on the Contractor's Website or in this Offer.
5.2. The Contractor has the right to:
5.2.1. To involve co-executors or third parties of their choice for the provision of services.
5.2.2. Independently determine the forms and methods of providing Services, taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the terms of this Offer.
5.2.3. Independently determine the composition of specialists providing Services.
5.2.4. Determine, set and change the cost of Services at its discretion.
5.2.5. To provide Services only after the Customer has made an advance payment and accepted this Offer.
5.2.6. To receive from the Customer any information necessary to fulfill its obligations under the concluded Agreement. In case of non-presentation or incomplete or incorrect presentation of information by the Customer, the Contractor has the right to suspend the fulfillment of its obligations until the necessary information is provided in full.
5.2.7. Suspend, restrict or terminate the provision of Services to the Customer at any time with or without prior notice.
5.2.8. The Contractor has the right to refuse to provide new Services to the Customer if the Customer committed violations provided for by civil law and this Offer during the period of provision of Services.
6. Responsibility of the Parties and dispute resolution
6.1. The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Offer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2. The Contractor is responsible for the quality of the services provided.
6.3. The Contractor is not responsible for technical problems and errors in the operation of the Site at: /.
6.4. The Contractor is not responsible for how the Customer will dispose of the information received, for the decisions that the Customer makes, is not responsible for the feelings and emotions that the Customer experiences, for his physical condition.
6.5. The Contractor is not responsible for the inability to provide Services by the Contractor / acceptance of Services by the Customer, if such an impossibility arose as a result of a malfunction on the Internet, software, equipment.
6.6. The Customer is responsible for all actions performed during the receipt of the Services and the accuracy of the information provided to the Contractor.
6.7. The Customer is responsible to himself for the fulfillment (or non-fulfillment) of the Contractor's recommendations, the application (or non-application) in life of knowledge and skills acquired in the process of working with the Contractor, for achieving (or not achieving) the set goals.
6.8. The Contractor does not give any guarantees or warnings, written or oral, expressed or assumed, either for the results achieved or for any consequences of any actions or omissions of the Customer. The Contractor is not responsible for the results of the actions or omissions of the Customer.
6.9. The Customer is responsible for compliance with the requirements of legislation, including copyright legislation (in particular Articles 1255-1259, 1301-1302 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but not limited to the above), intellectual property (in particular Articles 1255-1230, 1250-1254 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but not limited to the above), but not limited to the above.
6.10. Any Customer's requirements are considered only on the basis of a reasonable written request sent to the Contractor at the addresses specified in this Offer.
6.11. In case of violation by the Customer of any of the Customer's obligations provided for in this Offer, the Contractor has the right to cancel the Contract and terminate it.
6.12. In the event of a dispute, the Parties will take all possible measures to resolve it. The claim procedure for dispute resolution is mandatory and is 10 (ten) calendar days. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute, the Parties submit it to the court for resolution, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7. The term of the Agreement. Grounds and procedure for termination of the Contract
7.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the Customer pays for the Contractor's Services using the methods specified in this Offer and on the Contractor's website, and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.
7.2. The Agreement concluded by accepting the Offer does not require sealing and/or signing by the Customer and the Contractor, while maintaining full legal force.
7.3. The Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement unilaterally no later than 1 (one) calendar day before the start date of the provision of Services. The notice of termination shall be sent in writing to the Contractor's e-mail address specified in this Offer. If the Contractor receives a notice of termination from the Customer no later than 1 (one) calendar day before the start date of the provision of Services, the Contractor returns the funds to the Customer in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Offer.
Upon receipt of a notification less than 1 (one) calendar day before the start date of the provision of services, the funds will not be returned to the Customer.
7.4. The Customer does not have the right to terminate the Contract and/or demand a refund of the cost of Services for any reason after the start of their provision (regardless of whether or not the Contractor's consultation is attended).
7.5. The Contractor has the right to withdraw from the Contract (execution of the Offer) and terminate the provision of Services in case of violation by the Customer of the terms of this Offer.
8. Force majeure
8.1. The Parties are exempt from liability for partial or complete non-fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement concluded by acceptance of the Offer, if it was the result of force majeure: natural (natural) phenomena, military actions, decisions of state bodies that make the fulfillment of any obligations under the Agreement impossible, if these circumstances directly affected the performance of the Agreement.
Force majeure circumstances are those circumstances that the Parties could not have foreseen or prevented by reasonable actions.
9. Other conditions
9.1. The Parties acknowledge that if any of the provisions of this Offer becomes invalid as a result of a change in legislation, the remaining provisions of the Agreement concluded by accepting the Offer are binding on the Parties during its validity period.
9.2. The Contractor does not issue any prescriptions or written opinions. All decisions concerning the life and personality of the Customer are made by the latter independently. The consultations of the Contractor are purely advisory in nature, and express the subjective opinion of the Contractor.
10. Details of the Contractor and contact information
Self-employed Mosina Evgeniya Leonidovna
INN 772978632421
Website: /
phone: +79993457788

User Agreement